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Dead Inventory

Learn a little more about 'dead items' and 'dead mods'

This typically occurs when an item or modifier is deleted while being displayed as available online. This can also happen when a team member exports your inventory to make bulk changes, and then re-imports it to Clover. Doing so will assign new PoS inventory IDs to all your items and modifiers; meanwhile our system is still linked to the old PoS IDs and cannot find a match. 

If an item is deleted on PoS before disconnecting it on Hazlnut, the item will still be available online, the customer will be charged, but the PoS won’t be able to find the item so it will print a blank receipt. Also, the item on the Hazlnut dashboard will have incomplete mappings, so you’ll likely see a spinning wheel that won’t go away until you contact us to do a hard-sweep for 'Dead Inventory'.

How can I check if the IDs don't match?

  1. From the Hazlnut dashboard, go to the "Menu Management" section and click on "Items"
  2. Click 'Modify' next to the item in question
  3. Scroll down just below the description box, you will see "POS Name" and "POS ID"
  4. Copy-Paste the POS ID into the "Search items" bar on the Clover inventory dashboard (web)

If no items appear, it means the item is dead.

You can also double check by copy-pasting the POS Name and see if the IDs match

Here is how you can properly delete items & categories:

  1. Unlink it from ALL categories, items, modifier groups it is attached to
    1. Click modify next to the categories and remove the item(s),
    2. Click modify next to the item(s) and remove any option set(s),
  2. Change the ‘Show Online?’ display to ‘NO’ (you can do this while doing the above ↑)
    1. Click modify next to the categories and change the display to NO,
    2. Click modify next to the item(s) and change the display to NO,
  3. Only after making these adjustments on Hazlnut, you can delete it from your PoS inventory. 

Here is how you can properly delete modifiers & modifier groups:

  1. Unlink it from ALL items, modifier groups, and modifiers it is attached to
    1. Click modify next to the item(s) and remove any option set(s),
    2. Click modify next to the modifier group(s) and remove any modifier(s).
  2. Change the ‘Show Online?’ display to ‘NO’ (you can do this while doing the above ↑)
    1. Click modify next to the modifier group(s) and change the display to NO,
    2. Click modify next to the modifier(s) and change the display to NO,
  3. Only after making these adjustments on Hazlnut, you can delete it from your PoS inventory. 

Next time we do a full-sync (mornings at 5 AM ET) they will be removed.

If not, our team can do a manual hard-sweep and delete anything that is confirmed to be (a) not existing on your PoS (b) not in-use on Hazlnut