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  2. Troubleshooting

Server Not Responding

If you are seeing this error on the Hazlnut dashboard while trying to create an order type or custom message, please review the message being entered and check for special characters:

  • Only use numbers, spaces and letters here
    • ABC 123 
  • Special characters are not accepted:
    • including - dash -, ¿ question marks ?, & ampersand &, and the @ At Sign @
    • Currency, math, punctuation, symbols, pictographs and emojis
    • `~!@#$%^&*()_+-=<>?:"{}|,./;'[]\`¡™£¢∞§¶•ªº–≠≤≥÷…æ“‘«®∫µß∑☻ ♡ ✓ 
  • Check for accents and tilde marks on your text, maybe removing it will resolve this:
    • é, ñ, ü, î, ø, å

Once you've hit OK on the error notification, delete any special characters and try to save again. You will see a successful notification! ☺︎

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