What should the receipts look like?

Emailed, payment receipt, and kitchen ticket appearance for every possible order type on Hazlnut


ASAP Pickup 

ASAP Pickup (card)

Future Pickup (card) - e

Future Pickup 

Future Pickup (card)

Future Pickup (card) - e

ASAP Pickup - cash payment 

ASAP Pickup (cash)

ASAP Pickup (cash) - e

Future Pickup - cash payment

Future Pickup (cash)

Future Pickup (cash) - e


ASAP Curbside Pickup

ASAP Curbside (card)

ASAP Curbside (card) - e

Future Curbside Pickup 

Future Curbside (card)

Future Curbside (card) - e

ASAP Curbside Pickup - cash payment 

ASAP Curbside (cash)

ASAP Curbside (cash) - e

Future Curbside Pickup - cash payment 

Future Curbside (cash)

Future Curbside (cash) - e


ASAP Delivery

ASAP Delivery

ASAP Delivery - e

Future Delivery 

Future Delivery

Future Delivery - e



Custom Pickup

ASAP Custom Pickup - card

ASAP Custom (card)

ASAP Custom (card) - e

ASAP Custom Pickup - cash

ASAP Custom (cash)

ASAP Custom (cash) - e

Future Custom Pickup - card

Future Custom (card)

Future Custom (card) - e

Future Custom Pickup - cash

Future Custom (cash) - e

Future Custom (cash)

Custom Delivery

Custom Delivery 

ASAP Custom Delivery

ASAP Custom Delivery - e

Future Custom Delivery

Future Custom Delivery

Future Custom Delivery - e