Custom Order Types

Use the custom order type function to ask customers for specific information.

If you deliver to a nearby business or apartment complex at no extra charge, you can ask for the building number and/or unit number. If you want to offer a custom dine-in option, you can ask for their table number or what color shirt they're wearing to provide a better experience. 


Log into the Hazlnut dashboard and click on 'Order Types'

  1. Make sure you select the location you would like to add the custom order type to before creating it. 
  2. Click on 'Create New
  3. Select an Icon
  4. Enter the Displayed Name: this will be the order type that appears in the list (max. 15 characters)
  5. Choose the Order Type:
    • Custom: Allows a custom text field to be created
    • All others will auto-generate fields or not allow a text field
  6. Choose the Type: 
    • Text Field will allow you to enter more details.
    • Single Selection doesn't ask for any more information from the customer besides what is always asked (Name, Number, Email)
  7. Does this order type allow Future Ordering
  8. Do you want to Enable this order type as soon as it is created, or are you preparing it for a later date? 
  9. Is this a Delivery order type (will auto generate address information fields)?
  10. Optional: Add a description to help your customers understand more about this order type (max. 50 characters)
  11. Optional: Charge a service fee to your customers & give it a unique fee name (max. 20 characters)

Text Fields

  • The prompt will appear at the top of the pop-up. This can be in the form of a question or statement
  • The value indicates what type of information you are asking for
  • The user hint can help customers enter the correct information 
  • Repeat adding values and hints... You can add as many as you find necessary

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  • Click 'Save'

Appearance on web online ordering (OLO) 

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Appearance on the mobile app
