Quoted Delivery Time

  • Prep Time is your average preparation & cooking time from when the kitchen receives the order until it is put together, packaged/bagged, and ready to leave the door (e.g. 15 minutes)
  • Delivery Time is your driving time (e.g. 5 miles away would take about 10-15 minutes)
    • Delivery Time (in minutes) indicates on-average how long it takes your driver(s) to arrive at a location in this zone. This will be added to your prep time when quoted to the customer to give an accurate ETA based on how long it takes to prepare the order + deliver it.

Time Selector Appearance 

When customers select delivery and enters their address, they are shown a range of the soonest possible ETA - the latest possible ETA depending on: Prep Time + Delivery Zone Time + Dollar Lockout (if the order is greater than $50) + Dynamic Prep Time (if you’re exceptionally busier than usual) + Additional Item Level Prep Time (if you have any)

ASAP Delivery (APP)


ASAP Delivery (WEB)

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Future Delivery (APP)

If the customer selects a future time (not ASAP delivery), they will be quoted the exact time range they chose:

Future Delivery (WEB)

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Email Confirmation Receipt

ASAP Delivery

The emailed receipt will show the customer the longest estimated amount of time the order will take to arrive, this could be approximately 30 minutes, approximately 60 minutes or higher depending on all the different times:

ASAP Delivery

Future Delivery

Future delivery orders will give them a time stamp of the mid-point of the time range they selected. This is an estimation of how long it would take on average to be delivered to them, considering the range they chose.
Future Delivery

Printed Receipts

Kitchen/Order copy & Customer/Payment copy

ASAP Delivery

Will print the mid-point of their quoted range. All ASAP orders should be prepared ASAP (as soon as possible!) - not based on the time on the ticket. 

HZN Receipts_ASAP

Future Delivery

Will also print the mid-point of the time range they selected just as their emailed receipt does. This is an estimation of how long it would take on average to be delivered to them, considering the range they chose.

HZN Receipts_Future