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  2. Menu Management
  3. Modifier Groups & Option Sets

Option Sets

How to attach modifier groups to items and setup the requirements, minimum, maximum, etc.

Make sure the modifier and modifier groups have already been created. 

We recommend reviewing these articles first

  1. Go to the 'Items' tab
  2. Find your intended item and click 'Modify'
  3. Scroll down to the bottom and click 'Add Option Set'
  4. Find the intended modifier group(s) and click the checkbox next to it
  5. Here you should set up your requirements:
    1. Is it required? YES/NO
      1. For items that are free with priced modifiers to choose the size/meat/etc. make sure you set that option set to be required so customers don't check-out with a free item. 
    2. Minimum required: 0 if optional (like add-ons), 1 if required (like cooking temperature)
    3. Maximum allowed (999 if there is no limit, 1 if only one option can be chosen, or set the number of your choosing)
  6. Click 'Add Options'
    1. Click 'Save'
    2. Repeat for all items you are attaching this modifier group to.

To see these changes come into effect on the live OLO link, please be sure to clear your recent browsing history or Hazlnut cache before refreshing the page. On the app, simply click back to the map or exit the app before refreshing the menu.