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Items missing on ticket...

If your customer was charged for their full order, but one or more items were not printed on the ticket, this can happen for a few reasons:

Inventory Mismatch

This paid item or modifier has been deleted on your PoS while still being used on Hazlnut. The inventory ID we are searching for to attach to the ticket is not found on your PoS inventory and therefore it is overlooked. Check out this FAQ detailing "dead inventory" 

Pre-Selected Modifiers

If a modifier is a pre-selected default it will not print on the ticket unless you are set to "send all mods". Only changes made to the order will print out... Learn More

Label Printers

If you are set to fire orders respecting your labels, make sure all your items have a label attached. If an item doesn't have a label, it will not be printed out on any of the kitchen tickets. Check out this FAQ detailing "printer setup" and "respect my labels"

Network Connection Issues

If you experience an internet delay around the time we are trying to send your customers' order(s) and match the inventory IDs from the order to the inventory IDs on your PoS, there is a rare chance one or more items will not fully match up and will be left off the ticket. If you were to issue a re-print once the internet connection is back up, the items should appear.

Before we give your PoS the OK to print the receipt, our system goes through 8 steps to confirm the cloud server for your PoS provider has all the data. Then, the cloud connects to the location/restaurant to print out the order. If the location isn't able to sync the whole order from the provider's cloud, it is possible some items/mods may not print on the receipt.
It rarely occurs, but hard-wiring the PoS to ethernet and/or improving the network connection will be your best practice for prevention.


Reach out to support@hazlnut.com if you notice this happen and our team will be able to pin-point which of these applies to you and do what we can to resolve it.