If you are experiencing an error while trying to give customers points for an in-store order or scan a reward to apply a discount, please try the steps below before contacting support@hazlnut.com
Make sure your Hazlnut app on Clover is always active in the background.
When you tap to "wake up" the app, you should see a message that says "Hazlnut is installed and currently running on this device."
Enable Background Scanning
Set up External Scanner
If you are scanning for a reward, it is important to take note of the items in your cart. The reward will only apply to items that are linked to that reward you are scanning, and all applicable items must be in the cart before scanning the reward code.
If it is not working as intended, please email us at support@hazlnut.com with the name/location of your business, the exact name of the reward, customer's email address, and the items that you had in the cart at the time you tried to scan.
If you already did the above in the past, please go to the Hazlnut app on your Clover device, tap on 'Location Settings', and turn the 'Enable Background Scanning" toggle ON and OFF to "reset" this setting.
Make sure you're on the latest version of the Clover app.
Current version as of March 2022: 1.3.3
New update will be available and pushed to all devices towards the end of January 2022