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Syncing PoS to Hazlnut

Inventory that is changed, newly added, or recently deleted on the PoS should be synced to the Hazlnut dashboard. Learn more about manually organizing & displaying these items in Hazlnut in order to see updates on the online ordering site/app.

Making Changes on your PoS to Items In-Use on Hazlnut

  • Name changes will not reflect to customers, but it will change how they print and display in-store. Please keep in mind that if a modifier is originally synced, the name it had is mapped to what the customer sees. If it was called 'Extra Tomatoes' and later gets changed to say 'No Tomatoes', the customer will still see 'Extra Tomatoes' and will expect extra tomatoes on their meal... But the kitchen will see 'No Tomatoes' and therefore will make the meal without any tomatoes. This can lead to poor reviews and customer complaints.

If a name is changed on the PoS, make sure it matches with the Displayed Name on Hazlnut

  • Moving inventory to different groups or categories will NOT reflect to Hazlnut
  • Hiding inventory on your PoS will not affect them on Hazlnut
  • When deleting inventory, please be sure to follow these steps beforehand.

Effects of Deleting Inventory

If an item is deleted on PoS before doing the steps outlined here, a few issues can arise:

    • The item will still be available online.
    • The customer will be charged, but the PoS won’t be able to find the item so it will print a blank receipt.
    • The item on the Hazlnut dashboard will have incomplete mappings, so you’ll likely see a spinning wheel that won’t go away until you contact us to do a hard-sweep.

Adding New Inventory

Newly added inventory will not be organized exactly how it is on your PoS. This is because we know that oftentimes dummy items & in-house-only modifiers are created/added to items so the serving staff can easily access them when needed. However, most of these adjustments are not meant for public viewing. 

We also keep in mind that holiday items are often setup on the PoS several weeks before they are actually available to allow enough time to organize & prepare for launch. You can sync over the special-seasonal menu to Hazlnut several weeks, even months, before you plan to launch it. Then, it will be there for you to organize, add descriptions, add images, and fully setup without your customers ever seeing it! Once it's time to launch these newly added items, you can easily switch the 'Show Online?' display to ON and it will immediately be visible on all Hazlnut online ordering 

How do I  sync newly added inventory?

  1. Add these new categories/items/modifiers with the correct price to your POS system
  2. Log into the Hazlnut dashboard
  3. Click ‘Menu’
  4. Click ‘Sync POS Menu’
    1. Wait for the successful-sync notification to appear

How do I  setup the newly synced inventory?

It's best to work backwards from here: 

  1. Go to the Modifiers tab
  2. Click ‘Modify’ next to all the new modifiers you would like to edit
    1. Here you should clean up the displayed name of the modifier
    2. You also have the option to create Sub-Option Sets & Multi-Mid Sliders
  3. Click ‘Save’
  4. Go to the Modifier Groups tab
  5. Click ‘Modify’ next to all the new or existing groups you would like to edit
    1. Here you can check that the correct modifiers are in the group
    2. You can drag-and-drop the modifiers to your desired display order
    3. For newly-added modifier groups, here you can clean up the displayed name too
  6. Click ‘Save’
  7. Go to the Items tab
  8. Click ‘Modify’ next to all the new items you would like to edit/show
    1. Change the 'Show Online' setting to ‘ON’
    2. Here you can also make any other changes you need like adding a description, attaching a modifier group or setting requirements/limits to add-on option sets
  9. Click ‘Save’
  10. Go to the Categories tab
  11. Click ‘Modify’ next to all the new categories you would like to edit/show/hide
    1. Here you can create an availability schedule by days and times (PST), change the item display sequence, and make sure all the items in said category are displaying. [Item will say  'not displayed ' to indicate it will not show up online]

Be sure to save your changes. To see the published updates: clear your Hazlnut cache or recent browsing history before refreshing the page.