How can I edit my items?

An all-in-one walk through on making modifications to existing items

Item Displayed Name

  1. Log into the Hazlnut dashboard & go to the 'Menu' section
  2. Click on the 'Items' tab
  3. Click 'Modify' next to the item you wish to edit
  4. Type in a short displayed name to appear (try to keep it below 30 characters)
  5. Make sure 'Show Online?' is set to YES if you want it to display to customers
  6. Remember to save your changes!
  7. Repeat for all items
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    Food Item Image

    1. Log into the Hazlnut dashboard & go to the 'Menu' section
    2. Click on the 'Items' tab
    3. Click 'Modify' next to the item you wish to change the picture of
    4. Click 'Choose file' to upload the image that correlates to the item
    5. Click 'Open'
    6. Remember to save your changes!
    7. Repeat for all items


    For more information on uploading images, check out this article!

    Item Description 

    1. Log into the Hazlnut dashboard & go to the 'Menu' section
    2. Click on the 'Items' tab
    3. Click 'Modify' next to the item you wish to edit
    4. Type in a short description to appear at the bottom of the food item name & image, and at the top of the screen when you click into that item (try to keep it below 80 characters to avoid cutting off the text)
    5. Be sure to not include Emojis 💔 (use emoticons instead ♥) 
    6. Remember to save your changes!
    7. Repeat for all items***
      Category Item Display*** item descriptions on the desktop/web version of online ordering will cut off around 200 characters. On the app or mobile browser it cuts off around 80 characters.

    Item Availability

    1. Log into the Hazlnut dashboard & go to the 'Menu' section
    2. Click on the 'Items' tab
    3. Click 'Modify' next to the item you wish to edit
    4. Availability & Additional Prep-Time work the same way
      1. Availability: Use this if you require 2 days notice to bake a custom cake... Or if certain items are only available on Tuesdays. Be sure you have future ordering enabled to use this function!
      2. Additional Prep-Time: Use this if your typical prep-time is 20 minutes, but a party platter takes 90 minutes to prepare. Any item with additional prep-time will print immediately, regardless of the typical prep-time printing. 
    5. Remember to save your changes!
    6. Repeat for all items this applies for.



    You can update prices on Hazlnut or your Point-of-Sale.

    For payment processing purposes, the prices will always match no matter where they are changed.


    Create price-level buttons for items that have variations available.


    Track Inventory 

    Automatically read stock counts from your point-of-sale, and allow Hazlnut orders to deduct from your stock quantities every time that item is ordered. 

    When your stock reaches below 2 in-stock, Hazlnut will automatically mark it as 'Sold Out' on your Hazlnut app, online ordering, and kiosk as a bumper for in-person orders or possible mistakes in tracking stocks. We can lower or increase this cut-off number as needed. 

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    Display Order of Items

    1. Click 'Modify' next to the category these items are in
    2. Scroll to the bottom of the page
    3. Drag-and-drop them into your desired display order
    4. Click 'Update Order'
    5. Remember to save your changes!
    6. Repeat for all categories
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      To see the published updates: Clear your Hazlnut cache or recent browsing history before refreshing the page.